Freedoms on the brink of extinction.

I am reading “Franklin And Winston – An Intimate Portrait Of An Epic Friendship” by Jon Meacham. In the book, the author references and quotesFranklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms,” as outlined in his State of the Union address on January 6, 1941. These freedoms are:

Please note the date of President Roosevelt’s State of the Union address–January 6, 1941–exactly eight years to the day before January 6, 2021, when a band of lawless individuals, with then President Trump’s apparent blessing, assaulted the United States Capitol, in a forceful attempt to overthrow the government and evident intent to hang then Vice President Mike Pence.

1. Freedom of Speech; The right to express oneself freely.

2. Freedom of Worship” The right to worship God in one’s own way.

3. Freedom from Want; Economic security and prosperity for all nations.

4. Freedom from Fear; Worldwide reduction of armaments to prevent aggression.

I have read these words many times, but as I was doing so this morning, I was struck by how much these freedoms are at risk, once again, by the upcoming Presidency of Donald Trump. President Elect Trump is, continuing and broadening the tyrannical policies begun in the four years of his first administration, with even greater ferocity and assault on the freedoms of the American people. Worst of all, he has support from many of our own people to try and dissolve freedom in this country–first by the promise he has made to impose tariffs which will, in my view, drastically affect the stability of economic life and freedoms of the American people, sparking inflation, and possibly, ultimately, combined with other tyrannical tools, plunge the country into an economic recession similar to what we experienced in 2008, along with spiraling out of control inflation.

Freedom from fear is also at stake, brought on by the plans he has outlined to deport millions of immigrants in this country, many of whom are here legally, and married to United States Citizens. This plan, if enacted, will not only place our own people at the mercy of the military, but will cause mass fear, as families are rounded up and family members are separated from one another and children are taken away, just as they were during Trump’s first term.

Then you have the economic impact of all of this on the country, when millions are no longer available to provide goods and services to the people through the service aspect of the economy.

Finally, you have the tyranny that right-wing religious conservatives are perpetrating on our freedom to worship or not as we please, and uniformly choosing what books our children should read and what education they should receive. And it goes further, in the context of appointing people to Cabinet positions who want to eliminate government departments and who do not support long-relied upon vaccinations against diseases to protect the public health and safety., not to metion coices of personnel who, in the judgment of many, are patently unqualified for such roles in government

I worry that our once vibrant and embracing “arsenal of democracy” is on the brink of extinction if we do not wake up and expel such tyranny from government in 2026, when we can again elect members of Congress, that is, if Trump has not suspended or destroyed the United States Constitution by then.

The Genre Journey.

It’s probably fair to say that anyone who reads has a favorite genre or even more than one favorite genre. There are several categories of books I enjoy. These days, I read more nonfiction than fiction titles–biography, history, memoir, true crime, books exploring social and political issues and most anything about WWII.

I also enjoy reading some fiction–crime fiction, historical fiction, thrillers and police procedurals are among my favorite reading choices. My criteria for most any fiction read is that it has to offer something beyond the usual of boy meets girl, boy and girl fall hopelessly in love, and boy and girl live happily ever after. I confess to reading a lot of romance books in the very distant past. But as I’ve aged, they usually are dissatisfactory to me as a genre, with some exceptions. Some authors write great material and integrate romance into their stories, and I love to read that kind of book. But I cannot read Amish or Christian fiction much these days, I think because for me, most of it isn’t true to life. I need that life reality, not some wishful wonderland. I sometimes read to escape, but even my escape reads can’t be overly fanciful. They have to be rooted in emotional reality.

There are a few exceptions to this. One is Nora Robets’ Eve Dallas In Death books. When I learned of them, I avoided them. I was mistakenly convinced their futuristic and romance elements would be offputting. I turned out to be wrong in those assumptions. I read the first book in the series and was hooked. Another exception is Barbara Taylor Bradford’s books. I love her books and how she portrayed women. I will miss her contributions to the literary world, with her passing. Yes, she incorporated romance into her writing, but she did so while writing about women and the times in which they lived, and the historical context of the hardships women faced, and still continue to face today.

in recent years, I’ve also begun reading a little more science fiction, and plan to explore the genre more. I think my reading tastes are still evolving, at least to some extent. I’m glad of this. I like to keep an open mind and explore different authors and writing styles. That’s what keeps the written word fresh and exciting, I think.

What these times mean for freedom loving people.

Since the US election on November 5, 2024, I’ve been thinking so much about people and nations of the world who have experienced the terrible and frightening road to fascist dictatorship. I feel such a kinship with anyone who has experienced this horrific decline or destruction of basic human rights, and wonder how they coped, how they maintained their optimism in the face of so much upheaval and uncertainty, knowing, generally, what was likely coming, yet not knowing specifics or how deep the poisonous roots went?

For me, who has been blessed to live in these United States in a relatively free Republic, my entire life, one thing I realize is how much i have taken certain freedoms for granted, and also how much white privilege has benefited me. It’s true that, as a person with disabilities, I have experienced discrimination, and have sometimes had to fight for rights people without disabilities have not had to fight for. But the underlying principle of freedom has made that all possible through constructive advocacy and litigation when advocacy and negotiation have failed.

With the conversion of the Republican party to fascist ideas, and their continual march, moving toward the far right of center, as they have, the seemingly indestructible building blocks of freedom, as I have known it, are quaking, and have the potential to topple over, altogether, if many Republicans, political conservatives and right-wing Christians ultimately succeed in taking control of life in this country, so much will be lost. This possibility seems more real with each passing day, and the ramifications of what may be at hand leave me breathless and filled with unbelievable anxiety.

When Elon Musk purchased Twitter, now X, I had similar concerns. I felt then, he would turn Twitter into his own personal right-wing mouth-peace and give people with those views unlimited rights, at the expense of freedom of the press and freedom of speech. In my opinion, he has done exactly this and more. In addition, he has taken away overall accessibility for those who use screen readers, by denying API access to third party Twitter apps, as well as dismissing most employees who work on maintaining platform accessibility. I was glad to leave X for the above reasons, and also because I felt the social constructs were becoming mostly about hate and disinformation, and I did not want to have algorithms controlling what posts appeared on my X timeline. I joined Mastodon, a decentralized social network, comprised of many thousands of individual servers, and a platform using no algorithms, whatsoever.

After the election, earlier this month, I made another proactive choice, in an effort to protect the continued freedom to speak out. I’m not sure it will ultimately protect those rights, but I deleted my Google account to get away from big tech, in so far as is practicable, and I joined because its server is located outside of the US, in a democratic country where human rights and freedom of speech still remain respectedand protected, and where that country’s laws apply, rather than possible laws passed by the Trump cult, in retribution for those who courageously speak out against fascism and tyranny, in the US. Perhaps, I’m over reacting, but, in my heart, I don’t think so. I believe all kinds of journalists, climate activists and public interest advocates may be targeted–the ACLU, NAACP, and others are prime examples, along with those who support LGBTQ rights, civil rights, religious rights and disability and women’s rights. That leaves you with racists, fundamentalist Christians, white supremacists, and men who advocate for and thrive on patriarchy, all of which I want no part of.

I haven’t the words to express how profoundly grateful I am to the staff of for providing a platform for freedom of expression to live and thrive for everyone, especially those of us in the United States. I am so thankful, I still have a safe place to share my concerns and ideas about freedom. That continued opportunity is priceless, and one I shall never again take for granted.

JFK 61.

November 22, 1963, the day of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, not only lives in history, but for those of us old enough to remember it, it is one we will never forget.

I was six-years-old then, sitting on the floor in a circle of my peers, in elementary school, when the announcement came over the PA system saying the President Kennedy had been killed in Dallas. Silence followed this announcement, but I remember my teacher started sniffling, and I knew she was crying. Everyone around me was quiet. I don’t think any of us knew what to do or say. It was a moment like no other.

I immediately thought of Mrs. Kennedy and Caroline and John. Caroline kennedy and I are about the same age. Next I thought about how sad my mom and dad would be. They both supported President Kennedy, contributed to his campaign, and voted for him, I knew. Next, I could hear his voice in my mind, as I had listened to many of his speeches.

I also thought about what it would be like if my mom or dad were suddenly killed and taken away from me. Not the first time I’d thought about this. My parents were both older, and I think I always knew, subconsciously, I might not have them with me as long as my peers with younger parents likely would. I just wanted to go home. But that was not immediately possible. My mom and dad were sixty miles away from where I was, and wouldn’t be coming to get me until after their work-days ended, on that Friday.

I am totally blind as a result of too much oxygen in the incubator after being born prematurely. When it came time for me to start school, my parents decided not to educate me at our state’s residential school for the blind. They wanted me to be mainstreamed, but the only program for that available in the state, at that time, was in a school district 60 miles away. So, I stayed with a family in that district, during the school week, and went home every weekend. I did that for one and a half school years, until my parents were able to move to that community.

The people I lived with were wonderful to me, but it was hard. I was always homesick and missed my parents terribly, and often found it extremely difficult to concentrate on learning because all I wanted was to be home with Mom and Dad. In 1963, it wasn’t as if I could easily pull out my cell phone and call home. At that time, direct dial was just starting to be possible, and even at that, long distance calling was expensive. I thought about going to the office and asking to be able to call Mom, at work, collect, but then dismissed the idea, and decided to endure the next few hours like I thought a grownup would. I managed to do that.

I learned later, that Mom had her own emotional experience at work. At the time, she worked for the newspaper in our hometown. She said that when the news about President Kennedy came across the teletype, she heard the alarm bell go off, signaling a breaking story, and she said it sounded different to her, and everyone else there commented on it afterword. Just like I was at school, she was shocked and devastated by the news, and she said she immediately thought of me, miles away at school, and thought about calling to talk with me and reassure me everything would be all right. She decided, instead, to call Dad, and they left, immediately to come for me.

I was so glad and relieved to see them both. On the drive home, we listened to the coverage on the car radio, and, for most of the weekend, watched the TV coverage. No attempt was made to keep the tragedy from me, and we talked some about it. Nowadays, there’s all kinds of professional advice for helping children deal with traumatic situations such as this, but then there wasn’t. My parents just did the common sense thing–answered my questions, and talked about what had happened if I wanted to discuss it–but they didn’t force anything on me, nor try to pretend it didn’t happen or that it wasn’t terrible. And it was like that through the weekend and the funeral on Monday.

Ever since the events of that terrible day, I have had an interest in the Kennedy family, especially Robert F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign and his tragic assassination in 1968. I’ve always had a love for reading, and favor biography, United States history, and most anything written about WWII and various historical topics such as historical figures, slavery, the civil rights movement and diversity in society. Reading is a passion for me, and now that I’m retired, I spend the majority of my time reading–even more so with the advent of digital books. I’m certain, by the end of the year, I will of read over 200 books this year, and that is not counting rereads of some of my favorite books.

This weekend, i will continue to reread “The Death of a President: November 1963” by William Manchester. I have read this book a few times, and each time I do so. I discover details I’ve overlooked before. If you’re looking to read a comprehensive, nearly minute-by-minute account of these events and that of subsequent days. I highly recommend this book.

Right at home using iOS 17.7.2.

So glad I haven’t updated to iOS 18 and stuck to my rule about staying an OS behind. I’m planning to reorganize some folders on my phone, and with the iOS 18 bug with not being able to move apps into folders … well, I’d be out that ability. All of my apps are in folders. Oh, I know, all the security issues when not updating. … Still, I want to be able to do what I need to do with my phone, and I don’t care about Apple intelligence in the least. I just want my phone to operate correctly. So, there’s really no need for me to update. Version 17.7.2 seems to be doing the job admirably. I find it interesting that iCloud backups are backward compatible for several previous iOS versions, so I must not be the only person on the planet using an older OS. Good for us. 🤔

I say all this because I want to offer moral support to those who have older i devices, and/or who choose not to update for whatever reason. I’m sure there are more of us than most people think. It certainly is that way with Windows, so why should iOS be any different?

Also not sure if this bug is specific to Voiceover users or not, but since I’m a Voiceover user, I care very much about it. I’ll happily be staying right here in iOS 17 until September 2025.

Entry from my Journal for Tuesday, November 19, 2024.

The opinions expressed herein are totally my own, and I am publishing this Journal entry at the request of some who follow me on social media.

I have not kept up with journaling since my beloved Liberty kitty crossed the rainbow bridge on Monday, January 22, 2024. My heart has been very broken, since then, and is even more broken now because Donald J. Trump has, once again, been elected President of the United States of America. It is nearly impossible for me to find the words to adequately describe how and what I am feeling, but I feel compelled to try, for the sake of posterity, and the hope journaling about this will dissolve and resolve some of the feelings I have about what has happened.

My parents brought me up to respect people, and to understand that each one of us has thoughts and ideas, often different from my own, and that is diversity, and diversity is positive and valuable for our culture and for the world. They also brought me up to respect the rights and views of others. Sounds great, doesn’t it? In many ways of course it is, and their teaching has served me well throughout my years of life on this earth. I feel extremely blessed to have had the parents God gave me. They taught me so much about how to live, and my obligations as a citizen of this country, as well as obligations as a member of the human race. But now, with the election of, let’s just call him DJT, for the sake of brevity, I’m finding myself facing a crisis out of proportion to any I’ve ever faced, previously. That is saying a lot, because I’ve faced some difficult and daunting battles in my life, and with God’s help, have overcome adverse circumstances and have prevailed and thrived, despite them. But now, alas, here I am, at this point, and I feel the ground shaking and shifting under my feet, in both a physical and cultural sense, and I feel totally overwhelmed and powerless in every way possible, with the exception of my faith in God and my unshakable belief in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, my Lord, Savior and Redeemer.

At the same time, I find myself feeling angrier than I ever have before. Who am I so angry with? I am angry with every single person who voted for DJT and who supports him and his policies of hate and exploitation. I feel these people have literally sold this country, and those of us who live here, including me, down the proverbial river into the bondage of Satan, and that’s about as far away from God as one can get. And, I feel many have done so in the name of Christianity, using the name of God to justify some very evil thoughts and actions in ways that dishonor God and put every person in this country in danger of being swallowed up by an evil that, in my way of thinking, has no bottom, and shows no love of neighbor or man or woman kind, whatsoever. Satan knows his time is growing very short, and he is using his minions and making the most of his power to deceive and destroy. I believe Trumpism is a dangerous cult that has infected our land and has taken over an entire political party, the Republican party, and it has also taken over a good portion of the church here, as well. That includes church leaders and pastors. I think the philosophy of this cult has corrupted the hearts and minds of many Christians in the United States, to the extent that many can no longer distinguish right from wrong or distinguish truth from lies. Some have switched off their conscience completely, and instead of putting their faith in God, have delivered it into the hands of Fox News and other news outlets who do not broadcast objective truth or even attempt to do so. What I believe they broadcast is primarily propaganda, lies and untruth. And they are not the only ones, many right-wing media outlets do the same. The problem is, in my view, many Christian conservatives do not allow their minds to experience anything outside of the purview of Fox News or these other outlets. Their whole lives are consumed by it, from what they read and hear in church, to what they hear and see on TV, is all one-sided, just one point of view. There really is truth in the idea that if you hear something often enough and long enough, you begin to believe it, and close your mind off to any other thoughts except the lies you’re being fed. Those lies then become your subjective truth. Discernment is no longer even part of the lexicon of life. You just rely on your cult leadership to discern truth for you.

I know this from personal experience. For two years, I listened to Christian talk radio and was taken in by it. During that time, instead of being content, I was totally miserable, felt totally unworthy of love, even from God, and could not seem to get out of that cycle. Finally, God rescued and released me from all that by speaking directly to me. Yes, I heard his voice, clearly. He called me his daughter, and told me that I cannot be who I am not. That freed my spirit, completely, from the brainwashing I experienced listening to Christian talk radio. If God had not rescued me from that bondage, in 2008, I’m not sure I would be in this world today. It was a profound healing experience, one I pray many others, in similar circumstances, will have, if they just cry out to God and sincerely pray to be delivered.

The worst part of this, for me, is that I believe many Christians in the United States have lost or switched off their ability to really hear  DJT, his words and the words of his advisors. I have heard and read those words since 2015, and I prayed that many others heard them, in their spirit, during and after DJT’s first term in office, and would not be brainwashed for a second time. Obviously, this is not the case. So we will again be experiencing DJT, episode II. To me, this is terrible, but even more terrible is what it could mean for our country, and beyond that, what it could mean globally.

The perspective of many Christians in the US is that DJT was sent by God. The Bible clearly states the fruits of the spirit, and I think those fruits should be evident in one’s speech and actions, and if they are not present, I think I have every right to use the free will God gave me, and gives every one of us, to disregard that person as Godly. DJT says he has not sinned and does not need to ask or pray for God’s forgiveness. You know who that sounds like to me? The Devil. He doesn’t feel he needs forgiveness either. If I listen carefully to DJT’s words,  what I hear and read are statements and claims entirely devoid of the fruits of the spirit. His language is profane, to me. His actions are profane, to me. His words are filled with lies and hate, repeated over and over, and I cannot understand why so many Christians excuse and condone this, and even deem it acceptable, and repeatedly say that he doesn’t mean what he says. This is not about a liberal or conservative point of view or even politics. It’s about simple, basic human decency. What I fail to understand is why so many disregard his actions and revere him. The man is a convicted criminal, and has appointed three Justices to the Supreme Court of the United States who have given him absolute immunity from prosecution for any acts or crimes he has committed or may commit while President of the United States. In other words, he is not bound by the rule of law or the United States Constitution, while President of the United States. As President, when he took the oath of office in 2017, he swore to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.” I feel he has violated that oath numerous times since, and he has said, in his speeches, what his intentions are. Even in 2021, on January 6th, his speech and actions embraced lawlessness, in my opinion, when he urged a crowd to go to the Capitol, and when he learned this crowd wanted to hang Vice President Pence, he reacted by saying “so what,” and for hours, failed to make any kind of public response to this attempted overthrow of the government. But, of course, the SCOTUS ruled he has immunity from prosecution. He has also filed lawsuit after lawsuit, adjudicated to be frivolous and without Merritt, concerning claims he actually won the 2020 Presidential election, while many of his legal representatives have been disbarred for filing these false claims. DJT remains completely free.

That was then, and this is now. So, what I’m hearing in his speeches is his intent to appoint people to Cabinet positions who he says, first must be loyal to him, with their qualifications being secondary. That, in my opinion, is what a fascist dictator says and requires. What the Constitution requires is loyalty to Constitutional principles and the rule of law, not loyalty to DJT or any other person, but to the principles of democracy in this republic.

DJT has repeatedly spoken of the possible use of the military to round up and deport millions living in America, even the spouses of these individuals who are United States citizens. He also has spoken of using the military to shoot people who peaceably and legally protest, in total disregard of the right to peaceably assemble, a right provided in the United States Constitution. He has also spoken about locking up people and members of the press who he deems his political enemies–meaning no more 1st Amendment. I recall he tried to eliminate 1st Amendment rights in 2017 with his Muslim ban, and he continues to say President Obama was not and is not a United States citizen. These are just a few examples of campaign disinformation and presentation of alternative facts. And yet, from so many who say character and morals are so very important, he gets a free pass, and is allowed to behave in ways I consider abominable toward women, even referring to our Vice President as a c*nt. I refuse to accept this grossness from those who claim to be members of the body of Christ. That is not my body of Christ. And, as for my body, I cannot accept members of the body of Christ dictating to me or anyone their religion. Freedom of religion is a 1st Amendment guarantee. And no man, Christian or otherwise, is going to dictate to me what some man can do to my body without my explicit and intentional consent.

I am also profoundly disturbed by many aspects of Project 2025. DJT has not said he embraces it, but his actions and plans demonstrate, unequivocally, that he does. The project aims to reduce government regulations, potentially weakening enforcement of civil rights protections like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This could lead to decreased accessibility and accommodations in public and private sectors. The Project sets forth proposed changes to welfare and social service programs which would likely reduce support for disabled people and their families, increasing financial and social challenges. DJT has said he wants to eliminate the Affordable Care Act–not replace it–eliminate it. That would mean, at the very least, severe cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, programs people with disabilities and senior citizens rely on. DJT has also said he wants to transform the United States Department of Justice from an independent government department into an extension of the Executive branch of government, so he can legally prosecute and persecute anyone or any group of people of his choosing.

Project 2025 calls for  dismantling the Department of Education and leaving it up to the states to determine educational needs, on a state-by-state basis, gutting the uniformity of educational curricula throughout the country. This would severely limit the ability of students to compete on the global stage. Do people want this for their children, perhaps for generations to come? This  would likely also jeopardize special education services and support for students with disabilities, not to mention no more library services such as Bookshare and National Library Services, which provide much of the digital book content many students and adults with print or reading disabilities rely on for both library and text books, and something adults, such as myself, rely on for books and newspapers in accessible formats.

The project also proposes policies that could push disabled people out of federally funded and subsidized housing through work requirements and time limits, with total disregard for those unable to work, or those who employers traditionally refuse to hire because of their disabilities. These changes could potentially reverse decades of progress in disability rights, moving away from a civil rights model back towards a charity model for disability support, potentially causing massive homelessness among people with physical and/or mental disabilities. I have yet to see the church knock on my door and ask what they can do to support me, so my reliance on the church, I think, would be totally misplaced.

Project 2025 also references dismantling existing protections for LGBTQ rights and same-sex couples. It proposes removing terms like “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” from federal laws, which would undermine anti-discrimination protections in healthcare, education, housing and employment. The project also advocates policies that promote only traditional family structures, potentially restricting adoption and fostering by LGBTQ couples. Additionally, it seeks to limit healthcare access for transgender individuals and reverse workplace protections established by the Bostock v. Clayton County ruling. Project 2025 also aims to significantly alter federal policies and structures, potentially impacting people with disabilities who rely on service animals. The initiative includes plans to reduce federal workforce and dismantle various agencies, which could undermine protections and programs crucial for disabled individuals. Changes in regulations could affect the enforcement of ADA guidelines, which currently mandate access for service animals in public spaces. This might lead to increased discrimination and reduced accessibility for those accompanied by service animals.

I realize many Christian fundamentalists would be perfectly happy with and applaud eliminating these civil rights protections, so they can continue to discriminate against, and continue to judge and attempt to control who others love and the lifestyles others choose. But, I believe God gave me free will to decide many things, including worshiping him or not, and I believe who I love in a relationship is between me and God, not between everyone else and God.

Project 2025 also has significant implications for legal immigrants in the U.S. It aims to reshape the immigration system, potentially leading to mass deportations and family separations. DJT has already embraced this part of Project 2025, going so far as saying he will use the military and turn it against our own people. Legal immigrants could face increased barriers to obtaining legal representation, as funding for immigration legal services may be cut. The plan also proposes to limit pathways to legal residency, such as Temporary Protected Status and visas, which could affect immigrants’ ability to maintain their legal status. Stricter requirements and expedited deportation processes could undermine due process of law for legal immigrants. Project 2025 could also significantly impact legal immigrants on the path to U.S. citizenship by exacerbating application backlogs and potentially halting new applications if backlogs are deemed “excessive”. The initiative aims to reduce family-based immigration and limit work visas, which could affect those relying on these pathways. Additionally, stricter vetting processes and financial requirements could make it harder for immigrants to meet eligibility criteria. These changes might delay or prevent legal immigrants from progressing towards citizenship, altogether, affecting their ability to secure permanent residency and work authorization.

Again, I’m aware of the absolute expressed disdain, and often outright hatred many Christian conservatives have for immigrants. I know, because I experienced it, firsthand, during a family discussion about this topic, by people I’ve known and loved for over thirty years. This discussion and hostility has completely changed both my respect and trust for the people involved, and the fact I’ve never even received an apology for such behavior is most distressing of all. The people involved call themselves Christians. That leaves me cold.

I often wonder if, when these massive deportations take place, if those so much in favor of them really understand the full scope of the consequences? The deportation of millions won’t just have an impact on those being deported and/or their families. It will have a far reaching impact on all of society. Those deported millions will no longer be working at jobs, often service economy jobs, and they will no longer be contributing to the tax base either. So, who will pick up that slack? Many of these jobs are filled by migrants, in the first place, because those feeling white privilege won’t take those jobs. So, I wonder who among those who want to preserve their white privilege, at all costs, will step up and be serving the public in restaurants, stores, gas stations, as domestic workers in hotels and homes of the wealthy? I wonder who will be delivering groceries and the items ordered online or even filling online orders and stocking grocery store and retail shelves? Since the Pandemic, many businesses have closed, they say, because they can’t find workers. If that is the case now, with so-called millions of migrants in the country, I have to think massive deportations of the current work force is only going to exacerbate the problem, exponentially. If there are no longer sufficient numbers of people to unload goods coming into the United States, and of there are no longer sufficient numbers of workers to transport these goods across the country, how is that going to impact society? I think it will create massive food and labor shortages, empty grocery store and retail store shelves. And, because of labor and product scarcities, there will likely be instability and a breakdown of the rule of law, where it’s more or less every person out for him or herself.

As a person with disabilities, I feel extremely vulnerable, even though I own my own home, and only rely on Social Security and Medicare. Still, DJT has said, in his speeches, that he has disdain for people with disabilities, and that we should be killed. So, I don’t feel very safe or loved or even tolerated by the incoming administration. In fact, I think I am experiencing some of what the Jews in WWII Germany felt as they were rounded up, their property and money confiscated, and they were marched o to labor camps or to the gas chamber–millions of them. DJT has already said he wants to have unhoused people dealing with mental illness or addiction related issues rounded up in placed in “mental institutions.” How far removed is that from people like me being rounded up and put in camps and liquidated?” Not very far removed, in my view, since DJT has told his nephew, Fred Trump, III, that Fred’s disabled son should die. That’s concerning to me. I’ve already had one vivid dream about someone knocking on my door, coming in and hauling me away. Living in a red state does not alleviate that concern at all. During his first administration, DJT treated immigrants in detention camps abominably, so why would I, or people like me, be treated any better, this time around? So much mistreatment was done in secret, last time around, so it could easily happen again. I don’t want myself or anyone else to be a victim of that or anything similar.

These things weigh my spirit down so much, I wonder if I can survive it physically. I went to law school and worked in the legal profession in order to promote and work for positive change, because I was inspired by the 1963 march on Washington for jobs. I am white and have benefitted greatly from white privilege, and that very white privilege also profoundly disgusts me and makes me feel so very ashamed. People of my parents generation who fought in WWII to free the world from Nazi tyranny would be appalled to see this happening in the United States, I think. I’m relieved my freedom-loving parents are not here to experience this. It would break their hearts, just as it is breaking mine now.

Welcome to this space.

Since this is my first post, and I’m new to Vivaldi, you might call this post an experiment of sorts.

For many years, I’ve blogged using Blogger, but I decided to delete my Google account and say good-bye to big tech, as much as possible. This is why I came to, and why I’m gradually learning the ropes. It’s somewhat daunting, as I’ve not used Word Press, so I’m unsure of what I’m doing. So, please bear with me and stay tuned.